Monday TV Recaps
Monday nights has gotten rough for the old TV watcher as there are 5 things on I normally watch. Here's what I do:
- Watch Prison Break live in HD,
- Watch 24 live in low-def while I tape Heroes in HD,
- Watch recorded Heroes in HD while I tape Studio 60 in HD and CSI-Miami in low-def,
- Watch recorded Studio 60 in HD.
- Watch CSI-Miami sometime later.
Prison Break: "Prisoners on a Train" is what this should have been called as our main characters spend almost the entire episode on a train. The fugitives reunite with the tasty Sara Tancreti and she's less-than-excited that they are now running buddies with the Agent who tried to drown her four episodes ago. Needless to say, the first chance she gets she tries to kill him. After, she and Wentworth Miller almost get it on in the ladies bathroom before the cops try to stop the train with a roadblock. IT'S A TRAIN! For the future, in case you need to know, you can't stop a train with two Ford Tauruses. I fast forwarded through the other storylines as I could care less. Turns out the President didn't call the Agent to try and bring him in - his Asian boss was using a voice-modulator to fake her voice. Coolage! Ending in Inviso-text: I can't remember the ending. Pretty boring.
24 Season 6: Ha Ha This was a better episode than last week, where no much of nothing happened that I didn't even recap it. Jack and Zephram Cochrane escape they're execution with relative ease (more on that later) and Cochrane turns to his sons and slowly nods his head. "That'll do, Jack. That'll do." Okay, that didn't really happen, but I couldn't help myself. They catch Jack's brother Graem back at his house and torture him and he ADMITS TO KILLING DAVID PALMER or at least setting it all up. He tells Jack he had Tony and Michelle killed and tried to pin it all on Jack. Great look on Jack's face when he realizes his own family would stoop that low. Ending in Inviso-text: Shocker-turns out Jack's daddy is bad. He doesn't believe Graem will be able to resist CTU questioning and kills him. Yuck.

Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip: Trapped on the Roof part 2 as Jordan and Danny verbally spar. Matt and Harry continue to argue at the dinner and Jack and the mouse help the viola prodigy up off the floor and back to Studio 60 to sober up. Ending in Inviso-text: Jordan confesses to Danny her feelings for him and they kiss. Harry and Matt end things for good (supposedly) and Jack gets the Asian Businessman's backing to stall the Macua deal. If any of that doesn't make sense to you, just watch. It's the most densely-plotted show on TV and I'm skipping three other storylines.
If you want real episode recaps instead of my quickies, go where I go: Television without Pity. They are the best.
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