Saturday, February 3, 2007

Rocket Racing League

Heard about the Rocket Racing League? It's an effort to bring NASCAR-style racing excitement to rocket-powered aircraft in organized races in three dimensions. They are still getting organized for their inaugural 2008 racing season, but they are doing some promotional events this year to get people excited. Here's what the site says: "The 21st century's newest and greatest sport - racing rocket- powered aircraft! The Rocket Racing League™ is an aerospace sports and entertainment organization that combines the competition of racing with the excitement of rocketry. The RRL was established by X-Prize founder Peter Diamandis and two-time Indianapolis 500 champion team partner Granger Whitelaw to advance the technology and increase public awareness of space travel. The NASCAR-style racing league features rocket-powered aircraft that will be flown by top pilots through a 'three-dimensional track way' at venues throughout the world. With millions of fans who enjoy racing and air shows, and an even wider audience enthralled with humanity's next step into space, rocket racing is destined to become the future of racing!"

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