Monday, January 19, 2004

Sundance Underway

Are you jealous of all the stars and hoi polloi who get to go to the Sundance Film Festival each year? I am. Our only paltry consolation is scanning the Sundance Web site to see what fun things others are doing. Tonight there's a party at the Park City Mountain Resort. Tuesday John Hiatt is playing at the "Music Cafe." And Wednesday night Bernardo Bertolucci hosts a special panel discussion about his films. Sigh. The good news is that this year many of the short films and special features shown at the festival can be viewed from your own computer; all you have to do is buy a $10 "digital ticket." You can also download a pdf of the festival film guide. I'm sure that sitting in the basement flipping through this will be just as rewarding as rubbing shoulders with Demi and Ashton in the Park City Theatre.

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